
DIY Old T-shirt Upcycle : Bow Cutouts

From celebrating your favorite sports team to showing love for your favorite band. T-shirts are everywhere! Lots of us have plenty of them.   It's amazing how we're quickly able to acquire these things.  So, what do we do with our old T-shirts? They may be hanging in the back of a closet, tucked away in a drawer, or (like me) neatly stacked in a basket in the laundry room.  Bring the simple, yet favorite tee back to life with a little pizzazz!  Who said we couldn't bend the rules?      I will show you how I took an oldie-but-goody and turned it into something more fun that fit my personality.   T-shirt with bow cutouts   Let's Begin!   Things you'll need: T-shirt of your choice Sharp pair of scissors Ribbon Pencil  Needle and thread or fabric glue Craft board or cardboard of some sort Ruler if you're not so good and making straight cuts. THE WILL POWER TO CHOP UP YOUR SHIRT!!!  Start with a shirt that is clean and free of wrin